Sunday, April 28, 2013


My very own version of Caldereta.
I went to the market after an hour of jog at CME this morning. Wasn''t able to decide what dish will I cook today. But eventually I come up with a Pork Caldereta. Just wanna share how I cooked it for lunch.

Friday, April 26, 2013


When I started running and loose weight at the same time. I quit every vices I have and I promised to myself that I'll focus in this sport. And finally I can say I am a RUNNER! proud as you might say.
When I first joined a fun run it was for the environment. Now I run for a cause again. Running is my sport now, joining fun runs is a plus.But not just any fun runs okay. I always make sure that my money I paid for registration will hel a lot of people.
Now here was the story, My best buddy and I bumped into a tall and cute guy handing us brochures of One BMS and he also showed us their singlet. What makes me like the run is because of the color of the singlet and when I heard that this was for the benefit of the blind people. I said I will run for this event. Sad thing was they were out of registration forms when we went to their booth. So we went home empty handed of their race kits.
After that sad part I went online and visit or (websites, my friends and I always visit.) I checked on the registration sites and fees for the said Run.
February 24 that was the last registration, I asked my older brother to take me to Trinoma. There, I went to Toby's and saw Nico a med student ( he said when I asked him) He was just sitting there and waiting for anyone who would like to join their run for a cause. I was sad when I heard that there are only Large size for singlets that was because the size is too loose for me. But then again for me it was okay because I had registered up to the last minute. After the registration, I went staright to Marikina to train for my up coming first 10 Kilometers run.