Friday, February 15, 2013

Run run

My New Years resolution was to have healthy lifestyle this year. That was to eat healthy foods, go on a diet (more vegetables) and more exercise. Because of my work, I lack all of these. I got fat because of the lifestyle I have for the past 6 years of working. 

Me and my BFF Delg.

I am very thankful to be on a team who are health conscious. Thanks to them I was inspired. I may look healthy but honestly I got a weak body. I got tired easily that I don't want to move most of the time. It all started with their pictures I saw in their page. I envy on what they do during fun runs. I was encouraged at that time. 
With my fellow blogger Dharz.
Cool down stretching after a 5Km run.

Me and my BFF in pink. 

With my running mates.

 At first we need to condition our body.  On the first day of training, I got tired easily. I only had 9 rounds of walking and 4 rounds of running around the oval. On my second day, I was able to run more rounds thn before. Every training day there is a progress. Until the day of the first fun run my very good friend and I joined in.

As the Gun starts for a 5K run at exactly 5:45AM we were screaming. wwwwoooooo... this is it!

Half the 5K run.

Almost there. (we're holding hands) tired but happy.
Medals given to the Finishers
Just got our own medal after the 5K run
Delg, Berwin (host) and Me.

Kudos to those Police Officers who joined.

My team - My friends - My running mates.
This is my first fun run this year and I decided to continue this kind of activity. I would like to thank my friends who encouraged me to join them and run. Thank you guys! See you at the coming Run Events. :)