Thursday, September 27, 2012

CORONA VIRUS (New Virus found)

I just watched the TV Patrol and learned there is a new virus from overseas. It says that DOH (Department of Health) is on alert about the Corona Virus. It was said that this virus is similar to SARS
 Corona Virus (Source:


It was said to cause respiratory infection in humans and animals. The virus is spread in droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes just like SARS. According to news there were 3 patients infected by the virus in Qatar and Saudi Arabia. 

Since this is a new Corona Virus there were still no news on how to cure it. However we can prevent getting infected by the said virus. Prevention is better than cure right? As for me, these are the ways I will use to prevent getting infected by Corona Virus.

A. Educate yourself - It's better to be knowledgeable about the new virus. The more you know about it. you can prevent and early detect if you are infected. 

B. Wear a protective face mask - this is to avoid getting contact with the virus from people that are infected.

C. Avoid traveling to infected areas of the world - As of date, there were patients in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and London.

D. Maintain a healthy lifestyle - A very clean, sanitized lifestyle is one way to help avoid exposure. Additionally, viral infections are more likely to spread to individuals with weakened immune systems, so overall good health is an excellent way to prevent this new virus.

*BBC News Health:
*To watch the full story in TV Patrol here is the link: